What are my favorite dogs are?

1.chow chow  because there so chubby and cute

2.german Shepard there so cute and smart

3.husky there super nice and kind

4.golden retriever very smart I bet smarties were named after them

5.yorkee I love them because my grandma has one but he’s getting to that age were he should pass away soon and they don’t allow dogs at my grandma resting home and he has pretty amazing stories

6.pit bull they are fierce

7.boxer there are strong and smart

8. Labrador also smart

9.black lab kind

10.schist zoo are fun

maybe a blog coming up on amazing stories on puppy love???


My besties

My besties are Damaris,Stephanie,sian,Haley,Marlee,katelyn,Libby, and but what I like about them all they don’t care what they look like and that’s a strong personality there the best.And maybe a part two coming.

Maddox’s first time rolling over

One time Maddox was on his stomach and mom was popping dads back and she said LOOK! U missed it he rolled over he was just on his stomach for more updates on Maddox till next time and for more go to Aryan”s happy hive . Till next time


Myths vs truth

Has anyone ever heard the myth that at average a year a person swallows 4 spiders because it says that it is possible but 95%  of you will not.And also because scientific studies show that it is nearly impossible for a big eight legged spider  would crawl down you’re throat or in you’re mouth .

Have you ever heard the myth ducks quacks don’t echo well busted they do indeed echo in 2003 scientists university of Sanford.In England they placed a duck named daisy and her quack echoed.Thats all for this time Bye.


What my family means to me and how their there for me

My first reason my family is always there for me is they care for me and they pay the bills .My second reason my family is always there for me is they feed me.And my third reason is they always keep me occupied and interested like I never knew they made pull passes.And my fourth reason is they buy me clothes.And my last reason is there is always a shoulder to cry on these were my reasons to. Care for your family maybe just maybe might come out with a second blog on this.so bye see you next time on aryans happy hive.

owl pride!!!!!!!

Two four six eight who do we apreciate owls owls is one of the cheers is M A R S H A double l and one more is all you Marshall fans jump up and down and clap your hands we are the best and we’re going to win.

How I’m getting free wish slime

So if you don’t know what wish slime.com it’s an online.slime store it is shipped all the way from China it lets you scroll and buy slimes you want but it is to simple to get free slimes all you do is scroll. Until you find where it says free slime but it’s not completely free . But shipping NEVER costs more than five dollars