My routines

So my routines is when l get home hang my backpack and coat on a rack . And after that l read for twenty minutes.Then l eat supper watch a movie, sometimes eat dessert take a shower get in my pajamas get in bed and get comfortable tell my sister to turn off the light .turn on the flashlight so she can see to get in bed talk till we fall asleep .In the morning mom wakes us up we get dressed find my elf on the shelf Bojangles next walk to my bus stop and get to school eat breakfast look at the clock dump my tray at 7:44 the bell rings shortly after actually 7:45 and enjoy my day of school.


Baking is a blast so on Saturday l had a sleepover at keeleys we made cookies we made the mixture then we added flour and after that we used cookie cutters there was multiple different designs and then we put the cookies on a cookie sheet and then we baked them and we had sprinkles,frosting and the cookies got bigger and bigger until they were the size of my palm and my Santa cookie l gave him a red hat like usual and red outfit you know usual except we didn’t have any white frosting.So l took the green frosting and took white edible pearls and attached them on the frosting and SO MANY more cookies got worked on but that’s all for now

what l think christmas will be like

I think christmas will be like…..i cant wait till christmas because i love seeing how excited my brother and sister will be expecially because my brother Kayden gets like a baby voice and laughs so weird and on the other hand my sisters voice gets real deep and funny and then she’ll start coughing because her throut gets real dry and hurts and tickles at the same time and we will wake up real early and open our presents and then eat breakfast then play then eat lunch play again then eat supper next take our baths and change into pajamas then sleep and dream.


Aryans 12 blog

So is it  just me or are parents  stubborn  because every Christmas every Father’s Day  every holiday really l always ask the same thing what do you want and what do you need and my dad says the same thing  to me and my sister we were the only thing that he would ask for and that he loves us. But this year lm going to get him the best present l don’t know yet but it’ll be the best . When l find out I’ll be sure to tell you about what I got him.