So my cousin katelynn is a friend of Stella’s and Stella is bringing cloud slime and if you were wondering how to make it 1.get this stuff from like cloud stuff from Walmart and when you put it in water it will expand 2. Make slime so if you don’t know how to make slime get your supplies glue,shaving cream,sta flo or corn starch now first add as much as glue would like next add your activator oh and also if you don’t contact  lens solution you can get a water bottle add water add borax and shake or stir till baking soda is NOT noticeable and activate your slime and need with hands till it comes together and next add shaving cream. And now add your cloud stuff and mix and your done BYE one second l ment it’s instant snow

When my dog got took to the pound

My dog zoey was  token to a pound on a Monday so here’s the story my dad had kept saying he was going to take her to the pound but… day l got home from school and he had gotten mad at her and he took her caller and leash off and took her to the pound and forever since that day her caller and leash still hangs on my brothers wall and her kennel still in the bed of our truck and I’ll always love and remember her she was one of the main reasons l was always bright to come home but now l have a baby brother to also love but from time to time it brings me to tears to think about her and l wish l could see her one last time .

How l got burned

so my dad had fallen asleep on the couch and we asked to warm up some food l don’t remember what l heated up but oh it was ramen noodles and l was walking to the sink to drain some water out and my sister ran past me and dumped the ramen noodles all over me and just like that l screamed at the top of my lungs and my sister got a little burned but it went away the next day but my bubbled up with puss and the funny thing that kind of cheered me up was my brother  kayden scram as loud as us and had jumped back and that was how l got burnt.

What happened on Christmas break

So on Christmas break l …………..was so excited because on January 4th my mom had Maddox mad-ox it sounds like it would be spelled like maddex but he is the most presiouse baby ever he’s pretty funny to because he doesn’t know what he’s doing like he’ll stick his tongue out at you and he has the most inacent sound when he cry’s and it’s such a blessing and miracle to have a baby brother like him I love Maddox so much with all my heart in fact all my family has all my heart it’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and l will later publish more experiences and memories with my baby brother.

What my Christmas will be like????

What Christmas will be like is I’ll go to sleep real early and be talking to my sister about my excitement and later I’ll have fallen asleep and wake up real early and run to the whole other side of the house to wake my brother like he had told me to and my sister will have just gotten out of bed and try to watch YouTube till she notices the Christmas tree with all the presents under the tree and jump up and down ,run all over the house saying it’s finally here repeating it and will wake up our parents(we have a lot l mine a lot of presents under our tree)and that will be the end till next time and after Christmas and Christmas break l will tell you all about Christmas and also l will tell you about the other traditions like valentines,4th of July,next thanksgiving and one big one about my baby brother witch he should be born in January and it’s a boy and for the grand formally the baby’s name is Maddox lane and l burnt my hand with water straight out of the microwave and it bubbled up and my mom popped it and puss came out.and that’s all til next time